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Portal of German Space SMEs

SME – The Backbone of Business

Small and medium sized enterprises, short: SMEs, are the heart and the driving force of any market-driven economy.
However, nowhere is their impact on business and society as sustainable and successful as here in Germany where SMEs assume a fundamental role on three decisive levels:

  • based on their specialization in precisely defined product lines at highest possible degrees of vertical integration, they are the proven recipe for permanent top quality

  • with their abilities and capacities concerning development and serial production they meet the fundamental prerequisites to guarantee stability

  • their unique competences in innovation and permanent process optimization form the cornerstones of economic growth.

As a consequence, SMEs do not only act as suppliers to large corporations, but indeed create the conditions for the emergence and evolution of yet another significant German specialty, the so called “hidden champions”: beacons of business and society – rooted in their regions, leading the world´s markets, constantly driven by the DNA of SMEs.

Therefore, whatever happens, SMEs in Germany form the solid foundation of the modern and unsurpassed brand ”Made in Germany“ – a triad of quality, stability, and growth.

They are:

The Backbone of Business

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