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Schlagwort: Supplier Day; IRIS²

Date for OHB IRIS² online supplier day in 2023 is postponed!

The European satellite constellation IRIS² is a significant step towards technological sovereignty and strategic autonomy of Europe. Secure connectivity from space plays a growing and crucial role in various applications such as autonomous mobility, digitalization, broadband connectivity in rural areas, as well as cloud services. The future ability to perform interconnection through a European constellation is a milestone for Europe’s digital sovereignty.

By involving the German and European space industry, the IRIS² program will strengthen international competitiveness and cooperation while driving forward innovative high technologies from Germany and Europe.

Beside the industry team (consortia & core team) that is currently bidding for the IRIS² program, it is planned to spend at minimum of 30% of the contract value to companies outside the industry team (including affiliates). To support this important participation of the German and European industry, OHB System AG will hold an IRIS² supplier day to address this part of the program in the OHB share of IRIS².

 The supplier day will be held as online event at 19. September (postponed).

The agenda and login link will be shared in early September via same channels as this announcement.

Point of Contact

i.A. / p.p. Stephan Roemer
Business Manager SatCom
Manfred Fuchs Platz 2-4, 28359 Bremen
Tel: +49-421-2020-7559
Mob: +49-173-3766574
