HTV Halbleiter-Test & Vertriebs-GmbH
- Unterstützung von Forschungsvorhaben, Prototypenentwicklung
- Testplanung und -steuerung, elektrische Tests, Test-Engineering, Unterstützung bei Tests (Funktions- und Umwelttests)
- Verification & Validation
- Verification & Validation
- TM/TC processing
- TM/TC processing
- TC planning
- TC planning
- Remote monitoring of space operations
- Remote monitoring of space operations
- Data science, decision making support tools, AI, ML
- Data science, decision making support tools, AI, ML
Freyer GmbH & Co. KG
- Very exact housings for artificial horizon for aircraft
- Thermal washers
- Structures for planetary landers
- Some very difficult milled and turned parts, e.g. for scanning or pointing mechanisms
- Project management of additive manufacturing projects
- Mechanisms for planetary landers
- Mechanical supports for experimental equipment at ISS
- Mechanical satellite structure parts
- Mechanical processing of welded heat pipes
- Mechanical parts for payload simulators
- Mechanical parts for mass storage devices
- Mechanical parts for electronic boxes
- Mechanical hardware for some microgravity experiments at ISS
- Mechanical hardware for optical instruments
- Mechanical hardware for electronic boxes
- Mechanical hardware for Air Closed Loop System (ACLS, for filtering breathing air and also outgoing air at ISS)
- Machining of isolating parts made from laminated composite materials
- Hardware for vibration and thermal vacuum testing
- Hardware for support structures
- Hardware for new development of electrical propulsion (ion engine)
- Hardware for mechanisms at ISS
- Hardware for mechanical ground support equipment (MGSE)
- Hardware for HF radiators and wave guides
- Hardware for different instruments like cameras, telescopes, spectrometers, interferometers, laser instruments, etc.
- Ground terminals for ISS communication
- Consulting concerning manufacturability of milled and turned parts
- Consulting concerning additive manufacturing
- Collaboration at Hubble Space and also at James Webb Space Telescope
- All kinds of surface treatments available, even two-stage treatments possible
- Additive manufacturing of hardware
f.u.n.k.e. AVIONICS GmbH
- test and certification
- Signal Generator
- Payload Simulator
- Integrity Box
- after warranty service including obsolescence monitoring
HEMA Kabeltechnik GmbH
- Test equipment, e.g.
- TB/TV test harnesses
- I/F simulation
- harness protection
- harness fixation
- Harness documentation, e.g. connector lists, parts and materials lists
- Harness design support
- Harness and harness components procurement
- electrical ground support equipment (EGSE)
- EGSE with especially designed I/F to flight equipment
- According Harness-Systems
- According Harness-Systems
- According Harness-Systems
- According Harness-Systems
- According Harness-Systems
Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH
- Unterstützungsleistungen
- Tests
- Subsystem Rovers, Schirme, Ballons (Strukturmechanismen)
- Spezifische Abmeldemechanismen
- Spektrometer – Spezialkenntnisse im sichtbaren und infraroten Bereich Detektoren (Brennebenen, Einstelleinheiten, Spiegel)
- Software (Simulationssysteme)
- Separationssysteme
- R&D
- Projektmanagement, Qualitätssicherung, Produktsicherung
- Produkte zur Unterstützung von Entwicklungsaktivitäten
- Primäre, sekundäre und tertiäre Strukturen
- Power Distribution / Energieverteilung (Entwicklung von Stromversorgungs- und Stromverteilungsinstrumenten für Nutzlasten und Satelliten)
- Power Conditioning / Spannungsaufbereitung
- Positionssysteme Reaktionsräder
- Positioniermechanismus
- Passive Temperaturkontrolle (Beschichtung, mehrschichtige Isolation, Reflektoren, Schutzschilde und Thermoschutz)
- Nutzlastadapter
- Nachführmechanismus für ISS Kamerasystem Night Pod
- Montage, Integration und Test (AIT)
- Magnetometers
- Magnetische Antriebsmomente
- Kompletter Satellitenbus
- Kompletter Satellitenbus
- Integrierte Mechanismen
- Instrumente zur Oberflächenuntersuchung
- Gyrometers
- GPS Empfänger
- GNSS Empfänger
- Elektro-mechanische Ausrüstung
- Einkauf und Einsatz von Sensorkabeln/Kabelbaum
- Auswurfmechanismen für Pico-, Nano- und Mikrosatelliten
- Ausrüstung für die optische Wartung am Boden (OGSE)
- Ausrüstung für die mechanische Wartung am Boden (MGSE)
- Ausrüstung für die elektrische Wartung am Boden (EGSE)
- AOCS Teststand – Qualifikation von Kleinsatelliten
- Antennen und Einspeisungen – Strukturelle Unterstützungsleistungen, Temperaturkontrolle, Spezialkenntnisse in AOCS (Lage- und Bahnregelungssystem)
- Ankopplungsmechanismen
- Aktive Temperaturkontrolle (Kühler, Heizkörper)
- Top Deck Ka-Band Antennas
- Thermal Isolators
- Thermal Hardware Subsystems and Elements
- Thermal Hardware Subsystems and Elements
- Thermal Hardware
- Thermal Dummies
- Test Engineering, Test Planning and Control, Test Prediction and Correlation
- Smart Structure Subsystems
- Secondary Structures
- Radiators
- Radiators
- Radar Antennas
- QV-Band Feeder Link Antennas
- Project Management, Systems Engineering, Subcontractor Management, Quality Assurance
- Portable Lightweight Antennas
- Optical Baffles
- New Structure Materials
- New Materials
- MLI for Satellites
- MLI for Instruments
- MLI (small scale to large scale)
- MLI (Multilayer Insulation)
- MLI (Multilayer Insulation)
- MLI (Multilayer Insulation)
- MGSE (Hoisting- & Lifting Devices, Integration Stands, etc)
- MGSE (hoisting and turing devices, integration stands)
- Material Qualification
- Material Characterisation
- Lightweight Structures, Brackets, Support Structures
- Lightweight Structures
- Large Deployable Reflectors (5m-20m)
- Large Deployable Reflector/Antenna Subsystems
- Large Deployable Antennas
- Ka-QV-Band Side Deployable Antennas
- Ka-/Q/V-Band Reflector Antenna Subsystems
- Ka-/Q/V-Band Reflector Antenna Subsystems
- Instrument Platforms
- Ground Reflectors
- Ground Antennas
- GNSS Antennas for LEO and GEO
- GNSS Antennas
- Engineering
- Electronic Housings
- Dummy Payloads
- Dual Gridded Reflectors
- Deployable Structures and Subsystems
- Deployable Structures
- Deployable Mast Subsystems
- Deployable Booms
- Deployable Boom/Sail Subsystem for Re-entry
- Daughter Company in Porto, Portugal (HPS Lda.)
- Composite Structures
- Complete technology development in above mentioned RF, structural- and thermal-areas
- CFRP Structures
- CFRP Structures
- CFRP Electronic Housings
- Ablators (dimensioning, cutting, sensor implementation, integration support)
- Ablative Thermal Protection
CRN Management GmbH
- Technical and administrative project management support
- Support of marketing, accounting, bidding, negotiating and contracting
- Service: Brokerage for industrial experiments in µg
- Network management
- Lobbying for projects in agencies, politics, ministries
- integrated risk assessment
- Initiation of innovative projects, market analysis, competitor assessment, field studies
Astos Solutions GmbH
- Trajectory and launch vehicle design optimisation software
- Software for electric propulsion orbit raising
- Safety and risk assessment
- Safety and risk assessment
- Real-time sensor raw data emulation
- R&D
- Mission and system concept analysis
- Mission and system concept analysis
- Mission and system concept analysis
- Mission and system concept analysis
- Mass estimation of launcher substructures (ODIN)
- Magnetic cleanliness test systems and software
- Highly realistic real-time 3d scenario animation
- Gravitational modelling
- GNC sizing and simulation software incl. Flexible-body and multi-body dynamics (ASTOS, DCAP)
- GNC sizing and simulation software incl. Flexible body dynamics (ASTOS, DCAP)
- Camera/Lidar Simulator
- Camera / Lidar simulator
ZARM Technik AG
- Vibration
- Thermal-Vacuum
- Thermal
- Static Load
- Magnetometer
- Magnetometer
- Magnetic Field Measurement
- Magentic Torquer
- Magentic Torquer
Space Structures GmbH
- Structures, Thermal and Acoustic Analysis for primary structure platform and payload equipment
- Structures, Thermal and Acoustic Analysis for primary structure platform and payload equipment
- Requirements engineering
- Mechanical test planning and on-site test lead engineering (including whole S/C)
- Mechanical and thermal system (lead) engineering
- Integral CFRP Struts for highly loaded and dimensionally stable applications
- Integral CFRP Struts for highly loaded and dimensionally stable applications
- Custom CFRP Brackets for harness fixation and other tertiary applications
- Custom CFRP Brackets for harness fixation and other tertiary applications
Aerospace Innovation GmbH
- Test planning and procedures
- Test Equipment, FGSE
- Test Equipment
- Test Adapters
- Technology Development in the Microsystem Technology domains
- Structural Analysis
- Structural Analyses
- Propulsion Systems with a Thrust Level up to 5000 N
- Propulsion Systems
- Project Management
- PA/QA support
- Ground Support Equiment (MGSE, EGSE, FGSE)
- Flow Control Subsystems
- EO Services
- ECSS based Propulsion System Testing and Qualification
- Cold Gas and Resistojet Propulsion Systems
- CAD, manufacturing and integration of microsystems
- CAD, manufacturing and integration of microsystems
- research on radiation hard IC development methodology
- Kent Ridge 1 (PSLV-C29)
- analog ASIC design for high-rel power-management and interface applications
DSI Aerospace GmbH
- Smart Cameras (TRL 5)
- Payload Data Handling Unit (TRL 6)
- Payload Data Handling Unit (TRL 6)
- Payload Data Handling Unit (TRL 6)
- On-Board Computer (TRL 9)
- On-Board Computer (TRL 6)
- On-Board Computer (TRL 6)
- Multiple ESA Techology topics
- Mechanism Controller for various mechanism types (TRL 6)
- Low-Level SW & Drivers
- Instrument Control unit (TRL 6)
- Instrument Control unit (TRL 6)
- En-/decryption Unit (TRL 9)
- En-/decryption Unit (TRL 9)
- Electrical Ground Support Equipment
- Digital Baseband Processor (TRL 3)
- Compact RF Front ends (TRL 3)
- Compact Payload Data Handling & Storage (TRL 5)
- Authentication & En-/decryption Unit (TRL 9)
- Application SW
von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH
- Test & Qualification of Space Instruments, EEE parts qualification and procurement
- Space Instrumentation Studies, Design, Manufacturing, Analyses, Qualification, Documentation
- Planetary Rovers, Microrover Nanokhod, Miniature Surface Science Instruments, Spectrometers for planetary exploration
- Management of Space Consortia
- Low-power HV supplies
- Laser Drive Electronics, Piezo & Pockels Cell Drivers, Laser Thermal Control
- Hermetic Helium Valves
- EGSE Design and Manufacturing
- Dust Spectrometers, APX Spectrom., Mössbauer Spectrom., SWIR Imagers, VIS Cameras, RF RX Frontends, Laser Rangers & Scanners (50 m)
- Documentation
Philotech Group
- Verantwortung für Design, Entwicklung und Test Plan / Spezifikation des MSF Software Moduls CLAG
- Technische Dokumentation
- Systemverifikation bzgl. Sicherheitsaspekten
- Software Engineering Management und Entwicklungsunterstützung:
- RAMS Analysen (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety Analysis)
- Qualitätsmanagement
- Qualitätsmanagement
- Qualification Traceability Report (GMS TRAC)
- Projektmanagement, Product Assurance Engineering
- Product Assurance
- Managment und Entwicklungsunterstützung von GACF (Ground Asset Control Facility)
- Maintenance und Support Engineering
- Definition der Anforderungs Verifikations Matrix (RVM)
- Beratung bzgl. SW Entwicklungsprozess: Pläne für Softwareentwicklung, Verifikation und Validierung, CM und Design
- Lightweighted structures – Sensor packages
- Hyperstable lightweighted Star Tracker Brackets – Mirrors Reflectors
- Focal planes for EO
ASP-Equipment GmbH
- Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)
- PCDU Module (MPPT) for satellite primary power system
- Over Temperature External Electronics Box
- Li- Ion Battery Management System
- Instrument Power Unit (IPU)
- High Current- Low Voltage DC/DC Converter for mass storage
- DC DC Converter
- Capillary Channel Flow Electrical Subsystem for ISS
- Air Closed Loop System (ACLS) CAM COTS
STT-SystemTechnik GmbH
- Thermal Vacuum Tests
- TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, TET-OOV, SAR-Lupe, PROBA-2/-V
- TC-Receiver TM-Transmitter TMTC incl. RFDU (S-Band)
- TC-Receiver TM-Transmitter TMTC incl. RFDU (S-Band)
- PDD-PayloadDataDownlink (C-Band, X-Band) SAT-AIS (E-Sail – ARTES21)
- PDD-PayloadDataDownlink (C-Band, X-Band)
- PDD (C-Band, X-Band)
redlogix GmbH
- Telescope & Instrument Control Systems – e.g. VLT, SOFIA, MTG
- SW for ZDBS 15-meter antenna control
- SW for SpaceMouse, 6D control device
- SW for EPOS docking simulator
- SW for autonomous vehicle (ROBOSCOUT)
- Software System Engineering
- Software System Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Robot Control SW, (KUKA Robot Control)
- Independent System Test, GALILEO PTC
- e.g. TET on-board SW
- e.g. MTG IRS ICU SW Spec.
- DLR GSOC Multimission Control SW, ROSAT, D2
- DLR GSOC Multimission Control SW
Kampf Telescope Optics GmbH
- Technology development for critical technologies for low TRL, in particular for optical systems
- Shadow engineering
- Review of AIT design and process
- Planning, preparation and execution of functional tests under representative environmental conditions – thermal vacuum, vibration, shock
- Optical instrumentation for µg and life science instruments, e.g ANITA
- Optical analysis (straylight, performance) AIT of optical systems
- Mechanism for optical systems – e.g. shutters, filter wheels
- Management support for PIs
- Design verification (review of design, analysis of system performance
- All kind of optical systems, on system, subsystem and component level
- All kind of optical system, e.g cameras and spectrometer for MarcoPolo & EXOMARS
- Thermo-mechanical isolators in metal or composite
- Thermo-mechanical isolators in metal or composite
- Test campaigns and inspections on structural components and materials
- Structure design and analysis
- Structure design and analysis
- Structure assemblies for instrument
- Structure assemblies for instrument
- Other FRP structures
- Other FRP structures
- New materials
- Multifuntional / Smart structures
- Machined Alu, Ti, Invar parts
- Machined Alu, Ti, Invar parts
- Highly stable antenna structures
- CFRP waveguides
- CFRP high conductive plates
- CFRP high conductive plates
- CFRP and Alu structural panels
- CFRP and Alu structural panels
- Aluminum radiators
- Aluminum radiators
- Advanced manufacturing processes
- Design/Evaluation/Qualification of RH Mixed-Signal & RF ASIC’s according to ESA/ESCC 9000.
- Design of feed systems
- Design and realisation of RF-components & RF-circuitry for RF-processing equipment
- CMOS RH LIB for the design of MS/ High Speed ASICs
- capability approval planned for end of 2016
- according to ESA/ ESCC 9000
Berlin Space Technologies GmbH
- Power, Interface & Control and Unit (PICU) for URTHECAST at ISS
- Gyro & Star Tracker for URTHECAST at ISS
- Electronic Power Conditioner for AOCS – OCS
- According Harness-Systems
- Other Services
- Management Support
E.I.S. Electronics GmbH
- TT&C harness production
- TB/TV test harnesses
- System Cable Harness for Galileo, EDRS-C, MTG
- System Cable Harness for Ariane 3, 4, 5 upper stage
- System Cable Harness for Ariane 3, 4, 5 upper stage
- Power Cable Harness for Galileo, EDRS-C, MTG
- Other Services
- ISS node cabling
- Harnesses for pressurized environment and EVA applications
- Harnesses for data handling systems
- Harnesses electrical acceptance tests
- Harness system cabling
- Harness system cabling
- Harness system cabling
- Harness system cabling
- Harness system cabling
- Harness system cabling
- Harness Development (ECAD/ MCAD) for LSI
- Grounding / Bonding Harness
- Flexible harnesses
- Flexible harnesses
- Experiment / locker cabling for microgravity experiments
- EGSE test harnesses
- Bounding, grounding Harnesses TB/TV test harnesses
SpaceTech GmbH (STI)
- Vibration and Shock tests
- Thermal Vacuum Tests
- Thermal Equipment Design & Analysis
- Thermal Design & Analysis
- System Engineering Support – Formosat 5
- System Engineering
- Structure Design & Analysis
- Specific Software Tools – DEOS
- Solar Generators
- Simulators
- Refocus Mechanisms
- Reaction Wheel Dampers
- Pulse Width modulated linear Cold Gas
- Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Structures
- Power Systems Design & Analysis
- Passive Anntennas – ICARUS ISS demonstrator, ICARUS Tag
- Optical Design & Analysis
- Mission Analysis – DEOS
- Mission Design & Analysis
- Low Noise Amplifiers & Filters
- Laser Ranging Instruments
- ICARUS (Radio Science Instrument) – ICARUS ISS demonstrator
- High Stability Lasers
- Frequency References
- Earth&Sun Sensors (CESS)
- DNEPR Launch service
- Deployment mechanisms – Göktürk-2, GRACE FO, Formosat 5, Kompsat-3
- Core Avionics (OBC&PCDU)
- Cold Gas propulsion subsystems
- CG Thruster qualification
- Active Antennas – ICARUS ISS demonstrator, ICARUS Tag